Coffee Process



When a coffee tree reaches maturity, which can take from 3 - 5 years, it begins to bear fruit in clusters along its branches. Referred to as cherries, the fruit is initially green and turns red when it is ready for harvesting. Traditionally coffee is harvested by hand by one way selective picking. Selective picking involves making numerous passes over coffee trees, selecting only the ripe cherries, then returning to the tree several times over a few weeks to pick remaining cherries as they ripen. Selective picking is more expensive due to the labor involved and is only used for Arabica coffee.On an average farm, pickers gather between 100 and 200 pounds of cherries per day. Out of this only 20 percent is actual coffee beans. Of that 20 percent only a small amount is of the best quality we choose for our coffee.

Coffee plants fruit from about year three onwards. Flowers drop off after a few days, leaving small green ‘cherries’ until they are ripe.



In this method harvest selected red cherry and remove the cherry by using Mechanical Machine .usually fermented 36 hours fermentation’s , the length of the fermentation depends on weather conditions as well as the processing styles of flavor . Once the beans are cleaned the beans placed African beds under shade net with 3-5 thicknesses, when they reach the correct moisture level they are ready to be stored.

The washed process is arguably our favorite step due to the incredibly bright and clean coffees that it can produce.



After picking red cherry spread out in good layers to the sun with African beds which enable Air to flow around whole cherries to enable move even dry. in this case, rotating and stirring regularly is a must. After 15 to 18 days, when moisture levels within the cherries have fallen to 11%, the cherries are considered dry. The outer shell will have dried to a dark brown and become brittle. The dried cherries are then stored. This is a longer process than other methods. Naturally processed coffees often have complex fruity notes in the final cup like berries or citrus.

Drying Time: Up to 30 days on average, weather permitting



This processing method is fresh coffee cherries are de-pulped the amount of mucilage left on the seed. currently, this process become the most popular processing method with different processing styles. in this process we love sweet and the floral tasting notes in the coffee. Honeyed coffee can be classified as Yellow, Red, or Black. Coffee processed in this way tends to be fruit-forward like a natural and a little creamier in the mouthfeel than a washed coffee.

An important step of separating the outer layers of the coffee cherries from the seed or bean.

Experimental Lot

Fermentation is type of process yeasts, bacterias, and microorganism break down sugars in order to much more control over the flavour profiles . so this type of process is critical to find out flavours, producing high acidity and flavour notes. elto coffee have very passionate to try different reasearch fermentation styles and creat variety of flavour profiles ,explore the world of coffee fermentation and we will feeling or suprised the happening cup profile. Beyond these common processing methods lies a world of possibilities for coffee producers. Experimenting with different soaking periods, wash frequencies, dry environments, and other variables—even controlled bacteria growth—can profoundly affect the flavors present in a coffee and create new experiences for the coffee drink.

Micro lots

Micro lots are coffees sourced from small plots on farms, which are then harvested and processed separately from other coffees on the same farm. This helps to retain the unique qualities of the is not  simplya  marketing term because the world is becomes more amazing coffees processed by producer for coffee lovers it is a type of speciality processs refers that been processed with strict care sorted when the coffee beans come from one particular field or farm to cup with full of information .